There are two ways you can add a contact to a sequence.
Enroll from a contact profile page
Step 1
Navigate to a contact profile page directly or via a LinkedIn match.
Step 2
Click the "add to sequence" icon.
Step 3
Select the name of the sequence you want the contact to be enrolled in and click the "Next" button.
The sequence list will only show sequences you have permission to use. These permissions are based on individual, team or organization level permission.
Step 4
If there are any errors you will see these highlighted
We will default select the email based on the sequence type, change easily by selecting the radial button
Select the "FIND" button to source additional contact details from connected third-party data sources
Step 6
Update the content to make them more personal as required. The more personal you make your messaging, the higher the chance of engagement.
Click "Enroll" to save the email message.
Enroll from LinkedIn search results
You can enroll one page of LinkedIn search results into a sequence at the same time.
Step 1
Run a search in LinkedIn, SuperReach will parse the results into the extension and auto-match against your account. The following status will show:
New - we cannot find the contact in SuperReach
In SuperReach - the contact is already in SuperReach
Step 2
Select the contacts you want to enroll in a sequence using the select buttons on the checkboxes.
There are 3 ways to add a contact to a sequence:
Add an Individual or selected contact/s - (click on individual checkboxes)
Select only NEW contacts - checks all new contacts' checkboxes
Select ALL - checks all checkboxes
Step 3
Click the "sequence box" to select a sequence to enroll the selected contacts. On selecting "Enroll in Sequence" button the contact will be enrolled into the sequence.
Step 4
The confirmation screen will appear, from here select "personalise emails" button to modify the messages that will be sent.
Select "close" if you want to close the form without any further modifications.
Any errors in the enrollment will also show here and can be fixed accordingly.
Step 5
Personalize the email messages and click the "update" button to save.
This custom message will only be applied to the specified contact.
A confirmation message will be shown and you will be returned to the contacts list.