On occasion, you may want to manually pause/remove a contact from a sequence ( e.g - following a phone conversation). This can easily be achieved by following these steps.
Step 1
Open your chrome extension and head over to the contact in question.
Step 2
Click on the name of the contact you want to pause/remove from a sequence.
Step 3
Open the "sequence history" accordion, and click the "action" icon against the sequence you want to remove.
Step 4
Choose the relevant action you want to run.
Pause - temporarily stop the sequence from continuing for this contact. You can always restart in the future.
Complete - Interested - this stops the sequence and moves the contact status to Completed - Interested. SuperReach will not process any further steps.
Complete - Not Interested - this stops the sequence and moves the contact status to Completed - Not interested. SuperReach will not process any further steps.
The interested and not interested status allows you to track the sentiment of responses you are getting in your sequences.
Step 5
Confirm your choice when prompted.
Upon confirming no further steps will be processed.