Get instant access to your email templates and the ability to send an email to a contact directly from the chrome extension. Here are the steps on how to email your contacts in SuperReach.
Step 1
Navigate to a contact's profile screen.
Step 2
Click the "email" icon to open the email action form.
NB: your mailbox must be connected before you can send an email.
Step 3
Complete the form details as required.
Template: select a template which will prepopulate the email automatically
To: select the email address to send to
Subject: add in a subject line. "{ }" is a list of the replacement variables present in SuperReach
Content: this is the main body of the email
Attachment: attach any documents to the email. There is a 5MB limit.
Step 4
Click the "send" button and the email will be sent via your connected mailbox.