Here's how to check the performance of your sequence:
Step 1
Navigate to your sequence statistics page.
Step 2
Click the name of the sequence to see the data being tracked.
Summary statistics tracked:
Displays the combined analytic ratings of all steps in the sequence.
Enrolled - shows the total number of contacts enrolled in this sequence, and how many have already completed or remain pending
Open rate - displays the number of emails sent and opened
Click rate - measures the number of clicks if you have a do-follow link on your message
Exit Analysis - displays successful and unsuccessful exits
Table statistics or steps analysis:
Shows the statistical data for each specific step of the sequence.
Steps table column names:
Step type - what kind of step is it ( email, LinkedIn, Callback...etc. )
Enrolled - the number contacts you enrolled in the sequence
Opened - statistics on how many contacts have opened the email / message
Clicked - the number of contacts who clicked or followed a link
Reply - number emails that have been replied to