Sequences combine touch-points such as messages, calls and tasks into an automated workflow in which you can enrol prospects to maximise engagement. Sounds fancy, right!?
We’re not sure they are fancy, but they are an excellent way to scale your outreach, increase engagement and drive your sales.
SuperReach sequences help automate many of the manual tasks involved with outreach, helping you save time and convert more prospects to customers! We’ve put this guide together to help you build your first sequences.
How do you make a sequence?
Making a sequence on SuperReach is incredibly easy. In the top right corner, you’ll see a plus sign in a circle; click that and select Sequence to get started.
You can choose from an existing sequence or create a new one from scratch. If you use an existing sequence, we will clone and preload that sequence. You might wish to do this if that sequence was super successful. You can edit and create variations to keep testing the sequence and optimise it further for success.
If you select a new sequence, you can name it, select your target audience and decide who in your business can access it. This gives you total control and scalability across your teams.
Then you can start building out the details of the sequence. You can choose combinations of emails, tasks, LinkedIn actions and calls to create a series of contact points with your prospect. There’s no limit to how many steps you can have or the wait times you select.
How does a sequence work?
During onboarding, you’ll be prompted to link your email and LinkedIn to SuperReach, so that all the prospects you enrol into sequences receive messages/activities from you.
With emails, they are sent from your own work outbox, and when a prospect replies to them, it automatically stops the sequence from continuing.
In the case of LinkedIn messages and calls, if the prospect replies or answers the call, you can manually “mark them as completed” to stop the sequence from continuing.
Personalising a sequence
Creating a sequence significantly accelerates your outreach. However, we wouldn’t stop there. Not for a second!
Once you’ve found the prospect you want to engage with, enrol them in your sequence and then personalise your messaging.
We preload your sequence steps and any messaging you have already curated for the sequence. We will then scan LinkedIn to retrieve your prospect’s details and add them to your sequence via merge tags or replacement variables. This saves you time by automatically populating names, employer details and job titles.
Then you can hyper-personalise each sequence step according to the prospect to increase the likelihood of them opening and replying to your sequence.
How to build a killer sequence
There are many ways to build an effective sequence with SuperReach.
Firstly start with your target audience.
If you want to generate candidates for an urgent role, your sequence should be shorter than if you’re trying to win new business. Consider this when choosing how many steps you will include and how long you want the sequence.
Here are a few ideas for you to use:
Contract Role Candidate - 4 to 6 steps over 7 days
Permanent Role Candidate - 5-10 steps over 14 days
Business Development Spec CV - 10-12 steps over 21 days
Business Development General - 12-18 steps over 30+ days
Secondly, focus on making sequences as personal as possible. Look at a prospect's LinkedIn profile, website or personal social channels to find something you can use to increase their likelihood of engaging. This could be mentioning their favourite football team, the last place they went on holiday or their preferred charity.
Finally, use time delays wisely. This means not sending someone too many messages in one go and adding appropriate delays between the steps in your sequence.
Good luck, and remember to test, measure and learn to maximise your outreach and unlock your full potential!