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Setting up your Vincere Integration
Setting up your Vincere Integration

How to set up your Vincere integration

Anil Vithani avatar
Written by Anil Vithani
Updated over a month ago

Follow the simple steps below to integrate SuperReach and Vincere:

Vincere Integration Setup

Setting up your integration with Vincere is a simple process. Check out the steps below:

Step 1

Raise a support ticket with Vincere - link to Vincere support

In your support ticket ask for REST API credentials and give them the redirect URL:

Step 2

Vincere will provide you with a Client ID, Client Secret and Domain.

They will also give you an API username and ask you to set its password.

Step 3

Once you've received your credentials, follow these steps:

2. On the left-hand menu, select Integrations.

3. Select connect on the Vincere card.

4. Fill in the details on the form that is shown and select save.

Great, you are now connected to Vincere!

Sync Features

After connecting Vincere to SuperReach, click the cog icon on the Vincere card. You will be directed to the settings page to customise your integration.

Field Mapping

Map your Vincere fields to the SuperReach fields for a seamless user experience.

Any mapped fields will stay in sync with each other on both platforms, this means any changes made on SuperReach will sync back to Vincere and vice versa keeping your data live and uptodate.

Our default mapping against candidates, client contacts, and leads should be enough to get you up and running. Contact support if you need any additional help.

You can change the settings using the following fields:

  1. Active - select this check box if you want the selected field to be kept in sync on both platforms

  2. SuperReach field - this is the field name in SuperReach. To add a new field to SuperReach, you can use the add custom field function.

  3. Vincere field - select the corresponding Bullhorn field from the dropdown options to link it to the SuperReach field.

  4. Mandatory - if you want this field to be mandatory when adding to Bullhorn, then check this box against the relevant field. This rule will not apply when adding contacts to SuperReach.

The refresh sync link will resync the fields and values from Vincere if you have made any changes.

Note: You cannot deactivate First Name, Last Name, or Employer. These fields are mandatory in SuperReach for creating a contact.

Mandatory Fields

To ensure you control the data quality being added to your CRM, you can choose which fields are mandatory when your sales team adds contacts. These rules will not apply when adding contacts to SuperReach.

So, if you have best practice processes in place which dictate that contacts must be skilled up before adding to the CRM, we help you enforce that. The mandatory field validation will only appear when a user tries to add a contact to your CRM.

How does note mapping work with Vincere

Note mapping with Vincere has been designed to be super simple. All activities on SuperReach are mapped across to Vincere as General Comments.

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