Understanding the SuperReach Waterfall
By default, SuperReach provides a data waterfall for each data type (personal email, work email and phone numbers). The default waterfall allows you to access multiple data providers without the need for separate contracts.
We also allow you to create a custom data waterfall so that you can control the order we call on data providers, add your third-party contracts and disable any default providers that don't fit your needs.
Navigating to the Data Waterfall
First, log into SuperReach.
Click into your name in the top right corner, then into administration.
On the left navigation click on "Outreach" then "Manage data".
Editing the SuperReach Waterfall
You can modify the default SuperReach waterfall, effectively creating your unique version.
Here's what you can do:
Disable specific providers from the universal waterfall (if these are disabled on the default waterfall, you will not be able to use these in the custom waterfalls)
Reorder the data providers using the drag-and-drop functionality.
Creating a Custom Waterfall
Creating a custom waterfall allows you to create the perfect data experience to suit your specific preferences. You will be able to create multiple waterfalls to suit your team's needs:
Creating a custom waterfall:
Click on " Add a waterfall".
Assign a name and relevant teams to the waterfall.
Click "Create waterfall" to save the waterfall.
Customising your custom waterfalls:
Select the providers available in each custom waterfall for each data type.
Rearrange the order of providers easily by dragging and dropping them.
Assign and edit which teams have access to the waterfall.
Integrate your client contract data providers into the waterfall:
To change your data contract, click "change contract."
Add in your API key for your data provider, and click save.
Once this is done you will now have access to your customer data contract.
*Any changes in provider pricing in the default Waterfall will reflect in your bespoke waterfall.
This guide is your go-to to manage and create bespoke data waterfalls effectively. If you have further questions or need assistance, our support team is here to help you along the way.